Make a Donation
Want to support?
Select one of the options below - recurring donations through our fiscal sponsor, or one-time donation via our PayPal account. If you would like to specify which category the money will be used for, please do so in the notes section of your donation:
Transportation: $800 (4-day trip) - $2,500 (11-day trip)
Gear: $2,500 (annually)
Rafting Trip: $3,200 (2 full days with licensed guides)
Canoe rental: $975 (3-day trip)
Camping: $1,000 (covers camping fees for one season)
Climbing: $975 (1-day climbing with licensed guides)
Park Permits: $250 (state parks in each state)
Food: $1,200 (cost for 4 days of food)
Marketing support: $2,500
One-time donations through our Roam Wild PayPal Account
Use our Roam Wild PayPal account to safely and securely make your donation today!
NOTE: all donations are tax-deductible.
PO Box 5101, Dallas, TX, 75208
Recurring donations through the Cornerstone Program
Woodrow Wilson High School Community Foundation’s Giving Program for Committed Community Members: recurring donations.
Make your passion for the outdoors and social equity come to life with recurring monthly donations to Roam Wild through the Cornerstone Program. This is a convenient and reliable way to manage your financial support for Roam Wild. Through the WWHSCF fund, you can support with monthly payments that can be automatically charged to your credit/debit card. As a Cornerstone Partner, you will enjoy the convenience of knowing your generous and important financial support is handled securely and reliably. Click the tab below, download the form and send the information to the email address listed below.
NOTE: all donations are tax-deductible.
Woodrow Wilson High School Community Foundation
P.O. Box 140062
Dallas, TX 75214-0062